Die Deadline zur Abstract-Einreichung läuft ab:

Bis Montag, den 10.09.2012 können noch Vorträge eingereicht werden. Bitte lesen Sie hier weiter:

EASL 2012

Join renowned international speakers and discuss the most up-to-date issues on HIV and liver research, including:

  • What can we learn from outbreaks of acute HCV in HIV?
  • What are the best management strategies for hepatitis coinfection in HIV?
  • Can we use DAAs just as in HCV monoinfection?
  • Are there any special DDIs in HIV/HCV coinfected patients that we need to consider?
  • How does liver transplantation work in HIV coinfection?

This 2-day conference provides an interactive forum which aims to facilitate cross-fertilisation and collaborative research efforts in the areas of HIV and hepatitis coinfection, drug toxicity and long-term complications of liver disease in HIV.

Don't miss your opportunity to participate and network with the most prominent specialists at the leading liver association conference in Europe.

Please note: All abstracts must be submitted via the Monothematic Conference website in accordance with the abstract submission guidelines

Should you require any assistance or additional information regarding the EASL Monothematic Conference, please contact the Organising Secretariat at: ldhiv@easl.eu

We look forward to welcoming you to London!